
South Lake Hospital knows the importance of compliance and ethics.

What is it?

South Lake Hospital is committed to conducting business in full compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, statutes, regulations or rules. The Compliance and Ethics Program aids in detecting and preventing deviations from expected behavior, whether intentional or not.

How does it work?

Under the guidance of the chief compliance and ethics officer, the department receives and evaluates information that is disseminated to various skilled individuals to investigate and report findings. Working with appropriate staff, action plans are developed, executed and monitored to ensure that desired outcomes are attained. The department has team members who are skilled in auditing, billing, coding, the charge master system, information systems, operations, administration and legal functions.

Who’s responsible for it?

Compliance is every team member’s responsibility. Compliance and Ethics serves as the “central nervous system” of the compliance and ethics program. Questions, complaints, concerns and suggestions come to the department from numerous sources, such as team members, patients, clients, physicians, visitors and community members. The department is a resource for information and coordination of compliance, which affects every facility, site, department and individual within the organization.

What does it provide?

The compliance and ethics program provides many benefits to South Lake Hospital, including:

  • Assurance to the Board of Directors that the organization is addressing any potential liabilities related to errors or improper conduct;
  • A structure to educate team members and disseminate legal and policy changes quickly;
  • Ongoing auditing, monitoring and communication processes to reduce the likelihood of violations and errors;
  • Protecting the privacy of patient health information;
  • Safeguarding all corporate information and assets; and
  • A confidential hotline where anyone can raise compliance concerns.

Compliance and Ethics does not replace other activities within the organization (e.g., risk management or safety management) but serves to ensure compliance through coordination with existing functions.

What is The Compliance Hotline?

South Lake Hospital's Compliance Hotline is a simple, risk-free way for you to report your concerns. This Hotline connects you to an outside vendor who forwards the information you provide to us. You do not have to give your name or any other identifying information. All matters reported to the Hotline will be investigated thoroughly and in a timely manner.

Compliance Hotline reports can be made via telephone at 1 (888) 464-6747 or online at If you do not want to contact the Compliance Hotline you may write us at:

Compliance and Ethics
South Lake Hospital
1414 Kuhl Ave., MP 29
Orlando, FL, 32806
(321) 841-2335

Other Contact Information:

David Huddleson
Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer
(321) 841-2335
[email protected]

A. Mark Weber
AVP, Internal Audit
(321) 841-2338
[email protected]

Steve Stallard
AVP, Chief Privacy Officer
(321) 841-2410
[email protected]

Stephanie Prewitt
AVP, Compliance and Ethics
(321) 841-5608
[email protected]