
Spiritual Care

The Spiritual Care Department offers spiritual and emotional support to people of diverse backgrounds. Our caregivers are here for support during times of need or to celebrate moments of growth and renewal. We are available for patients and loved ones who are in need of comfort, relaxation, spiritual growth or personal reflection.

Additional touches reach beyond spiritual comforts to relax the mind and body. Our harpist brings relaxing therapeutic music to our campus and patients’ bedsides. Pet therapy and guided imagery services promote relaxation and an overall enhanced sense of well-being.

The Therapeutic Garden and Labyrinth located on our campus offers a helpful tool for quiet meditation, prayer or relaxation. Labyrinths’ physical and symbolic paths have served centers for prayer and meditation by different faiths and cultures for thousands of years. The labyrinth at Orlando Health South Lake Hospital is a replica of the one at Chartres Cathedral in France.

To contact our Spiritual Care Coordinator or learn more about our spiritual services, please call 352-394-4071, ext. 8249.